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Crystal Little Spiritual Wellness Coach, Reiki Master Teacher (67).png
Writer's pictureWaking Spirit

Reiki for Christians - Part 1

How does Reiki interact with Christianity? Some of the most frequent questions that people in my area of the world ask when I begin to explain Reiki concerns how Reiki interacts with Christianity. The majority of Christians I come in contact with have never heard of Reiki and tend to be leery of the practice at first. However, after sharing the following information with them, they quickly understand that Reiki does not, in any way, contradict what was written about the message that the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) claim Jesus delivered or the actions he instructed the community who followed him to repeat.

Reiki is not a religion and does not endorse any specific religion. Reiki is a neutral form of energy therapy. First, let’s look at the principles of Reiki and then compare them to the teachings of Jesus found in the Synoptic Gospels.

Reiki Principles: Just for today I will let go of anger. Just for today I will let go of worry. Just for today I will be grateful. Just for today I will work with honesty and integrity. Just for today I will be gentle with all beings including myself.

How do the above Reiki ideals compare to teachings of Jesus found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

Just for today I will let go of anger. Matt. 5:22 portrays Jesus as having fairly strong feelings about being angry with others. “But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgement…”

Just for today I will let go of worry. In Matt. 6:25-34 Jesus gives specific instructions to not worry about anything in life. An almost identical speech can be found in Luke 12:22-34.

Just for today I will be grateful. The above statement was designed to promote feelings of daily gratitude for all the blessings one has received in their life. This concept is conveyed throughout the Synoptic Gospels in a sort of covert fashion. Typically, the teachings of Jesus found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke warn people against being consumed by greed or a consuming desire for wealth. What would be the opposite attitude? An attitude of gratitude. When we practice an attitude of gratitude, all traces of the impulses towards greed or the greedy acquisition of wealth disappear. You can find some teachings against greed or the greedy acquisition of wealth in the following passages: Matt. 6:24, 19:22-26, 21:33-46; Mark 7:20-23, 10:23-25; Luke 6:20, 12:15

Just for today I will work with honesty and integrity. The teachings of Jesus found in the Synoptic Gospels repeatedly admonish scribes and community leaders for not doing their work honestly. For instance, the author of Matthew 23:1-36 says that Jesus specifically scolded certain scribes and Pharisees for teaching the Law of Moses to others but not following the Law themselves. Likewise the author of Mark 11:15-18 describes Jesus clearing the Temple in Jerusalem of those who did not do their work honestly. And, in Mark 12:38-40 Jesus accuses the scribes of devouring widows’ houses. Although these are just three examples of Jesus disagreeing with those who do not do their work honestly, there are many more scattered throughout the Synoptic Gospels.

Just for today I will be gentle with all beings including myself. Christianity calls this life principle “The Golden Rule,” to treat others as you would like to be treated. The commandment is found in: Matt. 7:12, 22:39; Mark 12:31; and Luke 6:31. As we can see, none of the Reiki Principles above conflict with the message of Jesus recorded in the Synoptic Gospels. In fact, the Reiki Principles are identical to the core message delivered by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. Next, we will take a look at another interesting similarity between Reiki and what the Synoptic Gospels tell us about the ministry of Jesus. Continue to: Reiki for Christians – Part II

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